When you travel with Johnson Bros Tours, we guarantee to provide a first class service by a family run business established since 1954.
You are also travelling with a BUSK Benchmark accredited member.
Passengers can expect no less than to be transported in properly maintained vehicles, driven by fully qualified, skilled drivers that undergo regular training and hold CPC certification to ensure your safe journey.
As a Benchmark member, BUSK insist that we undergo background checks for safety and legal compliance, and we are not only audited every three years but are also subject to a random spot check with a site visit.
When you travel with us, please follow all the drivers instructions when boarding and during the journey. Our drivers are not just drivers.
They are highly trained to deal with emergency situations should they arise. They are fully conversant with all PCV and Drivers Hours Regulations that are in place to protect all road users.
From time to time, a driver may ask a party leader of a school group or where children are part of the group, to sit in specific seats or areas of the coach. This request will be for safety reasons. Coach drivers are legally in charge of the coach and are required to ensure the safety of passengers and therefore their instructions must be followed.
On school trips or trips where children are carried, the party leader is legally responsible for ensuring the safe journey of all the children or young people. The leader should ensure all safety belts are worn correctly at all times and that baggage is stowed safely in overhead storage. It is an offence to block aisles or exits because this can seriously hamper an emergency exit.
A tidy coach is a safer coach, and all passengers are asked not to consume food or drink on board and to observe our no chewing gum policy. It would be greatly appreciated if all passengers remove any rubbish when leaving the coach please.
Click here to view our certificate
Thank you.